Establishing the Listing Price to ask for your Home is one of the MOST important steps you will take. If your price is set too high (even in a very strong sellers market) you will not get an offer. If you set it too low, you will effectively be giving away your money. Establishing a price balancing between these two Pricing levels will be our objective. We will provide you a complete CMA or Comparable Market Analysis, prior to establishing a listing Price for your Home. This report will show you both actual sale of properties similar to yours, plus it will show you what homes are currently on the Market in competition with your home. You will be provided with a list of Homes, most comparable to your home in terms of square feet, year built, condition of the Home, proximity to you home, lot size, date of sale or time on the market. When appropriate, we will set showings on homes in your neighborhood and actually visit these homes with you prior to setting your price. We will also provide guidance to establish a Price point which will meet the requirements of Appraisers. Remember that MOST homes acquired will have a Mortgage Lender who will insist on an independent Appraisal prior to Financing a Buyer for your Home. During the process of finalizing the Listing Price, we will prepare a “Net Cash Available to Seller” analysis for you. This will let you know the cash you may expect to have available to you after the close of sale for your home.
What’s your Home Worth?
What’s your property or home worth? Get your free market analysis and I can help get you an evaluation.