Once you receive an Offer on your home, we will review all the terms and conditions of the Offer with you. If any of the terms or conditions of the offer are different than the terms indicated in the MLS and are not acceptable to you, you have the right to Counter the initial Offer made with terms and conditions which meet your requirements. Through this process of reviewing, countering and/or accepting the Purchase Offer, we will work closely with you to maintain timely responses and provide market savvy answers to your questions as they come up.
Once the Purchase Offer is Countered and accepted, the clock starts running for many items needed to meet the requirements of the agreement and your protection. We will immediately order the Title Opinion to be delivered to the Buyer. As the Buyer completes his requirements, we will be sure to review the results of the Appraisal and the inspection report for your benefit. If, for example the results of the Inspection Report are not reasonable, you will have the option not to perform any requested items, thereby giving the Buyer the option to waive the items listed or to void the Contract. We will be available to advise you on all such matters along the way to closing.